DEFY Conference 2024 Code of Conduct
Supplier Diversity Alliance of Canada (SDAC) (Canada’s 2SLGBTQI+ Chamber of Commerce (CGLCC), Canadian Aboriginal and Supplier Minority Council (CAMSC), Inclusive Workplace and Supply Council of Canada (IWSCC)) and WEConnect International are committed to fostering a safe and harassment-free conference where all staff and DEFY attendees—including partners, vendors, and guests—are treated with respect and dignity.
Discrimination and harassment based of aspects of an individual’s identity, including but not limited to gender, sexual orientation, race, ethnicity, religion, and ability will not be tolerated at DEFY. Disorderly conduct including disruptive and threatening behaviour will also not be tolerated.
All attendees agree to DEFY’s Code of Conduct and commit themselves to being respectful in all DEFY’s conference spaces and in their interactions with all conference participants. Individuals who harass, discriminate, or engage in disorderly conduct are subject to disciplinary action. Violations to the Code of Conduct (see examples of violation below) can result in the immediate ejection of individuals from the event, at the discretion of conference organizers, and without a refund. Perpetrators may also be subject to legal action.
If you require assistance due to a breach in conduct, please speak with staff wearing a light-blue lanyard. Staff wearing a light-blue lanyard have additional awareness of the Code and can provide support. If you are unable to locate staff wearing a light-blue lanyard, please go to the conference registration table and ask to be connected with a designated staff person; you may request to be connected to staff from a specific organization. In the case of an emergency, call 911.
DEFY’s organizers take reports of harassment, discrimination, and disorderly conduct seriously. By adhering to the Code of Conduct, you can help encourage a safe and inclusive environment for everyone in attendance.
Examples of Violations of the DEFY Code of Conduct
To foster a safe and inclusive event, all attendees are encouraged to report when they witness or experience incidents of harassment, discrimination, and disorderly conduct. Please be advised your identity will not be shared with the offending person(s) when submitting a report, unless required by law or required to comply with an investigation requested by the person who experienced harassment or discrimination.
Examples of violations to the DEFY Code of Conduct include:
1. Harassment – unwanted physical, verbal, or non-verbal conduct that violates a person’s dignity or creates an intimidating, hostile, degrading, uncomfortable, or toxic environment.
Examples of harassment include, but are not limited to:
i. threatening remarks or gestures
ii. sexual assault
iii. gender-based insults or jokes
iv. inappropriate or unwelcome comments about a person’s physical attributes or appearance
2. Sexual Harassment – a form of harassment involving sexual comments, conduct, or sexual solicitations or advances where the comment or conduct is known or ought reasonably to be known to be unwelcome.
Examples of sexual harassment include, but are not limited to:
i. unwelcome, offensive comments that are sexual in nature
ii. unwelcome physical contact, such as touching, patting, or pinching
iii. requests for sexual favours
3. Discrimination – treating people differently or adversely because of one or more of the facets of their identity such as race, ethnicity, gender, gender expression, sexual orientation, disability, religion etc.
Examples of discrimination include, but are not limited to:
i. jokes about groups of people based on identity
ii. purposefully excluding someone based on their identity
4. Disorderly Conduct – behaviours that disrupt the proceedings of the conference, disturb the peace, or present a safety hazard to DEFY attendees or the general public.
Examples of disorderly conduct include, but are not limited to:
i. disruptive behaviour due to intoxication
ii. aggressive or threatening behaviour
iii. any behaviour that places oneself or others in danger